Easter egg hunts in and around Paris

On Sunday, April 24, 2011 Centre des Monuments Nationaux will be holding chocolate Easter egg hunts (chasses aux oeufs de Pâques) at national monuments throughout France, including eight locations in Paris and the surrounding region. It’s a fun way for children and their families to visit historic sites while enjoying a favourite Easter tradition! In … Continue reading Easter egg hunts in and around Paris

April in Paris for Brooklyn’s Nunu Chocolates

Nunu Chocolates, an artisanal chocolate company based in Brooklyn, New York, will be featured as a live chocolate-making exhibit at Brachfeld Gallery in Paris this month. From April 12 to 26, the company’s founders, husband-and-wife chocolatiers Andy Laird and Justine Pringle, along with fellow chocolatier Dave Gould, will be making truffles and caramels on location … Continue reading April in Paris for Brooklyn’s Nunu Chocolates